Tuesday, August 24, 2010


An inner demon. We all have em.
The creature that is hidden within our hearts; only unleashed when we encounter great rage or overwhelming sadness. When unleashed, nothing can stop him but love. You can try to hold him in, you can try to hide him, but he will always find a way out. Like an enemy, he disconnects you from those close to you and slowly destroys you. He eats away at your soul until you just can't take the emptiness anymore.


Some story I came up with while feeling pretty -angerangerragerage- I feel a lot better now, though. I want to make more demons. I used to want to be a game designer for the sole purpose of making creatures like this (oh, and of course because I love video games. DUH.). Maybe I will make multiple demons, each having a 'strength'. I think this one is either fear or power. :B

Who goes there?

This is Zak, he is the guardian of the night. If you happen to spot him at night, you're in luck! :D I was going to give him a cloak and make him look scary but I'll leave that to another character that brings darkness or death instead of leading you out of being lost. Zak loves fishing and grass whistling.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two posts in a day? NONSENSE.

Some illustration piece I did. This is more of a doodle of emotions rather than anything else. Not even emotions...something that I've wished I could do for a long, long time. Ever since I was a little girl. c: So yea, enjoy this drawing of a person cause it's rare.

Awww its farting...

Koffing! :'D

Monday, August 9, 2010

Food but with a SMILE.

I haven't updated in a while. LAWL.